Author Guidelines
Full papers must be submitted via the OPEN JOURNAL OJS platform in stages;
For submission, register on the OJS platform Professional
Music therapists, researchers, students of scientific initiation and participants in Lato Sensu and Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs are accepted to submit their work to Brazilian Journal of Music Therapy.
For submission send the article file in 'DOC' format (compatible) without identification of the authors;
For submission fill out the authors sbscription form. The main author responsible for the submission must sign the form with the information of the other authors. If approved, only the names filled in the form will be included in the article;
The author(s) must keep the original file for possible modifications suggested by the referees;
The title of each electronic file must refer to the type of call followed by the title of the work submitted, e.g. CONTINUOUS FLOW CALL and the title of the work;
The author(s) must send the papers already duly revised for spelling and syntax;
Authors residing outside Brazil must observe the same submission rules;
In each issue, the journal will publish only one paper per author, even if it is co-authored with other papers;
Unpublished and preprinted papers written in Portuguese, Spanish or English will be accepted;
In the case of student work, this must have a faculty advisor from Music Therapy courses (Undergraduate or Graduate) as a co-author cited on the registration form for authors;
The American Psychological Association (APA) style bibliographic reference standards will be accepted;
Submissions with authorship of interdisciplinary teams one of the authors must be a music therapist
General Orientations
Brazilian Journal of Music Therapy - BRJMT / Revista Brasileira de Musicoterapia is a biannual, continuous-flow, thematic-call publication of the União Brasileira das Associações de Musicoterapia (UBAM), destined for the scientific publication of original papers, in preprint or translations in Portuguese, Spanish and English, related to Music Therapy.
Papers may be submitted following the editorial line within one of the categories:
Theoretical studies/essays: analysis of themes and issues grounded and argued theoretically, leading to theoretical and/or practical contributions in the area. Papers in this modality must be structured in: introduction, development and final considerations. They should be between 12 and 20 pages long.
Research-based papers (linked to Stricto Sensu Graduate programs or carried out by a professor or independent researcher): investigations based on empirical data, using research methodology, in which the introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion must be explicit, in addition to the academic affiliation and funding agency (if any). In the case of research involving human beings, we ask the author(s) to reference the registration number of the Ethics Committee. They should be between 12 and 20 pages long.
Book Review: a short critical summary of a work published in the press. It should have a maximum of 6 pages and up to two authors. The review should be of works published in the year of publication of the journal or up to two years prior. The theme of the book must be related to Music Therapy.
Interview: We understand interview as a conversation between two or more people, to get to know their life and professional experiences, seeking to understand and analyze through a dialogue, strong and/or weak points about a certain subject. It can be interviews with authors, researcher(s), editor(s), and/or clinical music therapists directly or indirectly relevant to music therapy, as well as the theme addressed. It should be between 8 and 15 pages long, present a brief résumé of the person interviewed, a contextualization of how the interview was conducted, its purpose, and results achieved.
Reflective professional experience report in music therapy: should contain a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15 pages, including bibliographical references and notes. The structure of the text should have four divisions: Introduction / development / results and discussion/ conclusion or final considerations. The stated objectives and a synthesis of the results should be considered. The analysis and discussion of the data obtained should be evident. One of the most important points concerns the interest and relevance of the conclusions and results for professional practice, and how they can be applied to other similar situations in Music Therapy.
Translated articles: Article written by music therapist published in a language other than Portuguese will be accepted with due authorization from the Journal of origin and the text translated into Portuguese must be submitted by the author himself or with his agreement.
- Methodological papers: Submissions in this category should present innovative methodological approaches or discussions of quantitative and/or data analytical approaches, with appropriate theoretical grounding. papers may refer to methods of planning, intervention, protocol development, or assessment instruments in Music Therapy. Papers should be 12 to 20 pages in length.
Editorial Guidelines:
Papers sent to the Brazilian Journal of Music Therapy - BRJMT / Revista Brasileira de Musicoterapia, submitted in continuous flow or thematic call, first go through the Editorial Board. This stage is of preliminary analysis of the manuscripts, in order to verify conformity with the editorial line, (for the diffusion of studies in Music Therapy in order to support the academic/scientific/practical activity in the search for the understanding of Music Therapy with music-based interventions. It is intended for the publication of all types of results of reflective professional practice and research, quantitative, qualitative, historical, philosophical, theoretical and musical, considering the discipline, the profession and issues related to research in music therapy) and may refuse them or forward them, if approved, for further evaluation in a double blind review system, by the Editorial Board of the journal. They must deal with themes related to Music Therapy, making explicit contributions to the area. In interdisciplinary papers, one of the authors must be a music therapist. The preprint proposals will follow the same evaluation process.
Proposals of the type 'Theoretical studies/essays', 'Research-based works', and 'Course completion work' will be accepted after consideration by the Editorial Board and must be translated by the author(s) themselves, with written authorization from the editor of the journal which originally published the article. A footnote should include a citation informing that it is a version (in Portuguese) of an article already published in another journal, and the original reference should be indicated.
For translation of material written by a non-Brazilian music therapist, the translator into Portuguese must present the author's authorization for the translation (exception for deceased music therapist authors); if the material translated has already been published, the translator must present the author's authorization (exception for deceased authors) and that of the editor of the journal of first publication.
For undergraduation/post-graduation Lato Sensu course completion papers, only one paper of this modality will be published per issue. It must have a Music Therapy course instructor and follow one of the formats - theoretical studies/essays or research-based works.
Organization of the text
The organization of the paper must obey the following sequence:
Title and subtitle, if any, (centered, uppercase, bold, maximum of 15 words including conjunctions and prepositions, single space), must express, clearly and precisely, the general content of the article; they must be presented, in the language adopted in the body of the text right below the title must be in English and Spanish. If the text is in English or Spanish, the title must be in Portuguese.
Abstract (maximum 200 words) and Key words (up to 4 words); Abstract and Keywords and Resumen y Palabra clave.
The body text should start on the next page, be edited in Times New Roman font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing and justified alignment. The indentation of the first line of the paragraph should be 1 cm from the left margin;
Section titles should be edited in font size 12, in bold, aligned to the left (when it is convenient to use numbered sections, add Arabic numerals aligned to the left, preceding the title and separated from it by a space);
Graphic elements (figures, diagrams, charts, musical examples, tables, etc.) must be inserted in the text in JPEG (.jpg), PNG (.png) or GIF (.gif) format, with 300 dpi (dots per inch), with centered alignment, and accompanied by an edited caption in font size 10, positioned below the image;
At the end of the text in References (only works cited in the text) the list must be presented in alphabetical order, according to the standards of the American Psychological Association - APA (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition);
The footnotes should be in Times New Romam font size 10, with the numbering following the order of appearance.
The content of the published articles is the responsibility of the authors.
Cover Sheet - Authors Registration Form
The cover sheet is a mandatory document for paper submission (Download) and should be sent separately as a "supplementary document" (2nd step of the submission process) and should contain:
the title and subtitle (if any);
the names of the authors (in the order they should be published), their institutional links, home addresses, telephone numbers and e-mails; brief professional information (with a maximum of 400 characters), link curriculum lattes (for Brazilians);
indication of the funding or sponsoring agency for the work, if applicable.