Musicoterapeuta graduada pelas Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU/SP) com aprimoramento na reabilitação física pela Associação e Assistência à Criança Deficiente (AACD, Unidade Ibirapuera/SP), especialista em Docência no Ensino Superior pela FMU/SP e secretária da Comissão Científica pela Associação dos Profissionais e Estudantes de Musicoterapia no Estado de São Paulo (APEMESP, biênio – 2015/2016).
In recent decades, the course of music therapy as well as its field have been expanding and shaping themselves. The music therapist in training acquires knowledge in various areas, for the course consists of disciplines in the social and biomedical, artistic and scientific-artistic fields. Thus, the professional must be prepared to act in various sectors, in an interdisciplinary context in the job market and, for this to happen, teachers must seek new knowledge and teaching strategies, so that students are constantly learning. This paper is a bibliographical study aimed at discussing the construction and management process of the knowledge in the teacher-student relationship inside the teaching-learning process, in order to point out the facilitator paths in favor of the education of future music therapists. From this research, it can be concluded that the knowledge of the various skills of the profession is obtained by the interrelation of students with each other and the teacher to their student during the teaching-learning process.