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ANO XXV – NÚMERO 35 – 2023

Case study on songs composed in music therapy sessions with people with substance use disorders

August 2, 2023


This research is a case study that analyzed six musical compositions created during music therapy sessions with individuals with substance use disorders. It identified recurring themes and correlated them with participants' perceptions of the intervention's effects, measured by the Group Music Therapy Effects on Substance Dependence Scale (MTDQ). Text Mining revealed main themes, and multiple linear regression showed how compositional techniques influenced participants. Results revealed recurring themes such as ambivalence, dreams, and self-perception, aligning with participants' perceptions of music therapy's effects on their change processes. The study highlights the relevance of targeting behavioral change processes with this population. Music therapy can aid individuals in overcoming adversities, promoting treatment commitment, and rewarding abstinence. Future research should consider larger samples and control groups.


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